Sunday, September 19, 2010

And to the Parrot Club we go..

Tonight was Parrot Club meeting night.

I didn't really want to bring a parrot along given it was a trivia night and I might have been busy otherwise. However, part of me thought would be a good idea to bring Pixel along since she hasn't got into a carrier since we went to get her at her previous home and went straight to the vet with her. Not necessarily the best experience to associate "good" with "carrier". But part of me also thought that she might be quite stressed in the new environment and I wasn't sure what she might do once there.

Nevertheless, I did end up deciding on bringer her along. I did not have any trouble putting her in the carrier although once in, she didn't seem very pleased. She seemed a bit nervous during the 20 minute car rid to the meeting room.

Once there and once out of her carrier, she was very cuddly at first, wanting to be on me and nowhere else. However...she did end up getting comfortable and wanting to explore the place. She was also very chatty. She did the Red-bellied species proud in her ability to "show-off" and be a clown with strangers watching her (something Joey, her brother, is also very capable of).

All and all, it was a great experience for her I'm sure and she was very happy to come back home and happily went in her cage for the night.

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