Thursday, December 31, 2015

Monthly weigh in - December 2015

The last weigh in post of 2015!

I know December is not quite done yet, but I felt like posting this now, before the year is officially over.

Last month we saw a dip in Piper's weight, which was explained in the November weigh in post, this month his weight came back up, averaging 55g. He's also fully back to his old self, chirping when faced with something he loves or dislikes, being cuddly, yet still managing to get a little lovebird mischief in from time to time.

This month has seen no weird weight fluctuations, everyone was pretty normal. Some of the smaller Pois might have gained or lost two grams from their average weight from last November, but that is not something I worry too much about, especially since we have been a little less diligent about weighing them in December - while I try to have at least three different measures in a month and try to spread these out, for various reasons, we've only weighed them four times this month and all towards the end of the month.

So I guess a resolution for 2016 is to be more consistent, but we will see how that will go.

Average weight (in grams) for December 2015:
Piper - 55g
Shade - 118g
Joey - 127g
Petey - 139g
Zuri - 126g
Pixel - 124g
Léa - 316g

Updated table - average weights for each bird per year:

Year Piper Shade Joey Petey Zuri Pixel Léa
2009 54 111 124 128 112  -  -
2010 56 115 126 131 124 115  -
2011 59 117 127 131 130 121 303
2012 57 116 128 132 128 120 307
2013 57 116 127 136 128 120 313
2014 57 117 128 139 130 121 316
2015 56 118 127 140 127 122 318

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